HID Digital 9007-3-8000K High and Low Xenon High Intensity Discharge Conversion Kit with Digital Ballasts
You looking to find the "HID Digital 9007-3-8000K High and Low Xenon High Intensity Discharge Conversion Kit with Digital Ballasts" Good news! You can purchase HID Digital 9007-3-8000K High and Low Xenon High Intensity Discharge Conversion Kit with Digital Ballasts with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price:
Product Feature
- HID DIGITAL 9007-3-8000K HI & Low Xenon High Intensity Discharge Conversion Kit with Digital Ballasts
- 8000K
- Digital Ballasts
Product Description
HID DIGITAL 9007-3-8000K High & Low Xenon High Intensity Discharge Conversion Kit with Digital BallastsHID Digital 9007-3-8000K High and Low Xenon High Intensity Discharge Conversion Kit with Digital Ballasts Review
I bought this kit for a 2001 Ford F150. Install was easy enough but took awhile. It all came in a nice little brief case as shown on the product listing. When I went to hook it all up, only one side would work. We switched the ballasts around and that one side still didn't work. We figured it was a bad ballast, so I call Amazon and they sent me a new one with no problem.The second kit (same brand and seller) they sent us looked different and in fact, it looked like they sent us a better kit as the wiring harness was 100x easier to hook up than the first kit because the wires were different. (irrelevant) but anyways, the other side worked and the other didn't so we read the directions that ONLY CAME WITH THE SECOND KIT they sent out and it said "If they aren't lighting up, switch the connection to the ballast around" and that was the problem from the beginning. So if they would of included an instruction manual with all kits and had it so you could only plug the wire into the ballast ONE WAY (as we figured) we would have never had this problem.
Now that everything is all hooked up, I highly recommend this kit and the color temp. 8000k to everyone. You do pay for what you get though. I mean I would trust a $200-300 kit more as it just would be more durable and last longer but this kit doesn't seem as bad as the cheaper ones on eBay.
If your wondering, the 8000k looks really good if you want more blue than white :D If you just want 100x brighter bulbs with a unique blue look to it, get the 6000k.
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "HID Digital 9007-3-8000K High and Low Xenon High Intensity Discharge Conversion Kit with Digital Ballasts" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from HID Digital 9007-3-8000K High and Low Xenon High Intensity Discharge Conversion Kit with Digital Ballasts ...
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